07 Agustus 2024 15:28:52 WIB 528 Pahlawan Amri Raldi

Muhammad Yamin

Muhammad Yamin lahir di Talawi, Sawahlunto, Sumatera Barat pada 23 Agustus 1903. Yamin sudah aktif dalam perjuangan kemerdekaan sejak zaman kolonial  Hindia Belanda. Pada 1928, aktif dalam Kongres Pemuda II yang membicarakan persatuan Indonesia. Yamin adalah salah seorang konseptor Pancasila dan UUD 1945, penggali sejarah, sastrawan dan juga ahli bahasa. Di awal merdeka sempat menjadi Menteri di beberapa departemen. Yamin wafat di Jakarta pada 17 Oktober 1962. Diangkat sebagai pahlawan nasional oleh Presiden Soeharto pada 6 Nopember 1973 melalui Kepres No. 088/TK/Tahun 1973

Muhammad Yamin

Muhammad Yamin was born in Talawi, Sawahlunto, West Sumatra on the 23rd of August 1903. Yamin was already active in the fight for Independence since the Dutch Indies colonial time. In 1928, he was active in the Second Youth Congress discussing Indonesia’s Union. Yamin was one of the conceptors of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. He was also an historian, a man of letters, and also a linguist. He served as Minister in several departments at the start of the Republic. Yamin died in Jakarta on the 17th of October 1962. He was declared as a National Hero by President Soeharto on the 6th of November 1973 through Presidential Act Number 088/TK/1973,