Ilyas Ya’kub
H. Ilyas Ya’kub (yang ditulis Ilyas Yacoub) lahir di Asam Kumbang, Bayang, Pesisir Selatan, Sumatera Barat pada 14 Juni 1903. Ia adalah salah seorang pendiri Persatuan Muslim Indonesia (Permi) yang berjuang menentang politik colonial Pemerintah Hindia Belanda, sampai dibuang ke Digul dan Australia. Ia ikut bergerilia dalam perang kemerdekaan dan ditetapkan sebagai pahlawan oleh Presiden BJ. Habibie melalui Keputusan Presiden No. 074/TK/1999 Tanggal 13 Agustus 1999.
Ilyas Ya’kub
H. Ilyas Ya’cub (also spelled Ilyas Yacoub) was born in Asam Kumbang, Bayang, Pesisir Selatan, Sumatera Barat on the 14th of June 1903. He was one of the founders Persatuan Muslim Indonesia (Permi) which fought agains the politics of the colonial government of Dutch Indies until he was exiled to Digul and Australia. He joined the guerillas during the war for Independence and was declared a National Hero by President BJ Habibie through Presidential Act Number 074/TK/1999 on the 13th of August 1999.