07 Agustus 2024 22:37:14 WIB 753 Pahlawan Amri Raldi

H. Agus Salim

Haji Agus Salim lahir dengan nama Masyhudul Haq di Koto Gadang, Agam, Sumatera Barat pada 8 Oktober 1884. Pria berjulukan The Grand Olde Man, sudah terlibat perjuangan kemerdekaan sejak zaman Hindia Belanda. Ia menguasai 7 bahasa asingdan terlibat aktif dalam diplomasi pengakuan kedaulatan RI di awal merdeka, baik sebagai Menteri Luar Negeri maupun Diplomat. Haji Agus Salim wafat pada 4 Nopember 1954. Presiden Soekarno menetapkannya sebagai pahlawan nasional pada 27 Desember 1961 melalui Kepres Nomor 657 tahun 1961

H. Agus Salim

Haji Agus Salim was born with the name Masyhudul Haq in Koto Gadang, Agam, West Sumatra on the 8th of October 1884. Reffered to as the Grand Old Man, he was already involved in the fight for independence since the time of the East India era. He was proficient in 7 foreign languages and was active in diplomacy to get recognition for Indonesia’s sovereignty at the beginning of Indonesia’s Independence as Foreign Minister as well as a Diplomat. Haji Agus Salim died on the 4th of November 1854. President Soekarno decided to make him a National Hero on the 27th of December 1961 through Presidential Act Number 657 of the year 1961.