Abdul Muis
Abdul Muis (ditulis dalam ejaan lama: Abdoel Moeis) lahir di Sungai Pua, Agam, West Sumatra pada 3 Jukli 1883. Ia adalah pejuang kemerdekaan sejak zaman Hindia Belanda. Meski sempat menjadi anggota Volksraad, perlawanan terhadap pemerintah colonial tak surut. Ia ditangkap dan diasingkan di Jawa Barat. Presiden Soekarno menetapkannya sebagai pahlawan pada 30 Agustus 1959 melalui Kepres Nomor 218 Tahun 1959.
Abdul Muis
Abdul Muis (spelled in the old spelling as Abdoel Moeis) was born in Sungai Pua, Agam, West Sumatra on the 3rd of July 1883. He was a freedom fighter since the time of the Dutch East Indies. Although he was once a member of the colonial parliament Volkstraad, his ressistance to the colonial government continued. He was arrested and exiled to West West Java. President Soekarno made him a National Hero on the 30th of August 1959 through Presidential Act Number 218 of year 1959.